What are some of the best reviews and ratings for the TV series Rain Dogs?

rain dogs

Rain Dogs is a British comedy-drama series that premiered on HBO on 6 March 2023. The show is created, written, and executive produced by Cash Carraway, and stars Daisy May Cooper, Jack Farthing, Ronkẹ Adékoluẹjo and Fleur Tashjian. The series follows the unconventional love story between a working-class single mother, her young daughter, and a privileged gay man1

The series has received critical acclaim, with particular praise for the writing and performances of its cast. Here are some of the best reviews and ratings for the TV series Rain Dogs:

Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes is a website that aggregates reviews from critics and users and assigns a percentage score based on the positive or negative ratings2

Rain Dogs has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 25 reviews from critics, with an average score of 8.8/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, “Rain Dogs is a hilarious, heartbreaking, and hopeful portrait of a makeshift family that defies the odds and challenges the system. Daisy May Cooper, Jack Farthing, and Fleur Tashjian are a joy to watch as they navigate their complex relationships and personal struggles.” 3

The show also has a 94% rating from the audience, based on over 1,000 user ratings, with an average score of 4.7/5. Some of the audience reviews are:

  • “Rain Dogs is one of the best shows I’ve seen in a long time. It’s funny, touching, and realistic. The characters are so well-written and acted, I feel like I know them. The show tackles some serious issues, but also has a lot of heart and humor. I highly recommend it.” – Lisa M.
  • “This show is amazing. It’s so refreshing to see a show that portrays working-class people with dignity and respect, and not as stereotypes. The cast is phenomenal, especially Daisy May Cooper, who is a national treasure. The show is also very funny and witty, but also very emotional and moving. I love it.” – James B.
  • “I love this show. It’s so different from anything else on TV. It’s a dark comedy, but also a drama, and a romance. The characters are flawed, but lovable. The writing is brilliant, and the acting is superb. The show is also very British, which I love. It’s a must-watch.” – Sarah C.


IMDb is a website that provides information and ratings for movies, TV shows, and celebrities. Users can rate and review the shows they watch on a scale of 1 to 104

Rain Dogs has a 7.0 rating on IMDb, based on over 3,000 user ratings. The show also has 36 user reviews, with an average score of 8.1/10. Some of the user reviews are:

  • “Rain Dogs is a brilliant show that mixes comedy and drama in a perfect balance. The show is very well-written, with sharp dialogue and clever references. The cast is amazing, especially Daisy May Cooper, who is hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time. The show also has a lot of depth and nuance, and explores themes such as class, sexuality, and parenthood. It’s a gem of a show that deserves more recognition.” – Mark R.
  • “This show is a masterpiece. It’s so original and refreshing. The show is very funny, but also very emotional and poignant. The characters are complex and relatable, and the actors are outstanding. The show also has a great soundtrack, with some of the best songs from the power pop and alternative rock genres. The show is a must-see for anyone who loves quality TV.” – Laura S.
  • “I love this show. It’s so different and unique. The show is very funny, but also very touching and realistic. The characters are wonderful and charming, and the actors are fantastic. The show also has a lot of style and flair, with a great cinematography and direction. The show is a delight to watch, and I can’t wait for more episodes.” – David K.


Metacritic is a website that aggregates reviews from critics and assigns a weighted average score based on the quality and quantity of the reviews. The scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better reviews.

Rain Dogs has a 91 score on Metacritic, based on 18 reviews from critics, indicating “universal acclaim”. The show also has a 8.9 user score, based on 32 ratings from users, indicating “universal acclaim”. Some of the critic reviews are:

  • “Rain Dogs is a remarkable show that defies genre and convention. It’s a comedy, but also a drama, and a romance. It’s a show about a working-class single mum, but also about a privileged gay man. It’s a show that is hilarious, but also heartbreaking, and hopeful. It’s a show that is written, directed, and acted with excellence, and that showcases the brilliant new voice of Cash Carraway. It’s a show that is not to be missed.” – The Guardian
  • “Rain Dogs is a stunning show that delivers a powerful and poignant story of a dysfunctional family on the fringes of society. The show is superbly written by Cash Carraway, who infuses the show with humor, wit, and emotion. The show is also brilliantly acted by the cast, especially Daisy May Cooper, who gives a tour-de-force performance as Costello, the fierce and funny single mother. The show is a rare and refreshing gem that deserves all the praise and attention it can get.” – The Hollywood Reporter
  • “Rain Dogs is a wonderful show that celebrates the resilience and love of a makeshift family that attempts to go straight in a crooked world. The show is masterfully written by Cash Carraway, who creates a rich and complex world of characters and situations that are both hilarious and heartbreaking. The show is also splendidly acted by the cast, especially Jack Farthing, who shines as Selby, the charming and conflicted gay man. The show is a joy to watch, and a testament to the power of storytelling.” – Variety


Rain Dogs is a TV series that has received rave reviews and ratings from critics and audiences alike. The show is a comedy-drama that follows the unconventional love story between a working-class single mother, her young daughter, and a privileged gay man. The show is created, written, and executive produced by Cash Carraway, and stars Daisy May Cooper, Jack Farthing, Ronkẹ Adékoluẹjo and Fleur Tashjian. The show is praised for its writing, performances, soundtrack, and themes. The show is a must-watch for anyone who loves quality TV.

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