12 Best Drinking Games Without Cards for Every Theme and Mood

Best Drinking Games Without Cards

Drinking games are a fun way to spice up any party, social gathering, or night in with friends. 

They can help you break the ice, get to know each other better, or just have a good laugh. 

But what if you don’t have a deck of cards handy? Don’t worry, there are plenty of drinking games without cards that you can play with just some common household items, dice, or your phone. 

In this post, we will share 12 of the best drinking games without cards for every theme and mood, from classic to creative, from easy to challenging, and from hilarious to naughty. So grab your drink of choice, gather your friends, and get ready for some fun!

Classic Drinking Games Without Cards

These are some of the most popular and well-known drinking games without cards that you can play anytime, anywhere. They are simple, easy to learn, and guaranteed to get you drunk.

1. Never Have I Ever

This is a classic drinking game that reveals some secrets and embarrassing stories. 

The rules are simple: one person starts by saying something they have never done, such as “Never have I ever kissed a stranger”. Anyone who has done that thing must take a drink.

Then the next person says something they have never done, and so on. You can make the game more interesting by choosing specific categories, such as sex, travel, or school.

2. Truth or Drink

This is a variation of the classic game of truth or dare, where you have to either answer a personal or provocative question, or take a drink.

You can either take turns asking each other questions, or use a pre-made set of questions from a website or an app. Some examples of questions are:

“What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done while drunk?”, “Who is the hottest person in this room?”, or “What is your biggest regret in life?”

3. Flip Cup

This is a team-based drinking game that requires speed, coordination, and teamwork. You will need two teams of equal number of players, a table, and a plastic cup for each player.

Each team stands on opposite sides of the table, facing each other. Each player fills their cup with a drink and places it on the edge of the table.

The game starts when the first players on each team tap their cups, chug their drinks, and try to flip their cups upside down on the table using one hand. As soon as a player succeeds, the next player on their team can start drinking and flipping. The first team to finish all their cups wins.

Creative Drinking Games Without Cards

These are some of the more original and inventive drinking games without cards that you can play to unleash your creativity and have some fun.

They may require some props, such as dice, pens, paper, or your phone, but they are worth the effort.

4. Drunk Pictionary

This is a drinking game based on the classic drawing game Pictionary, where you have to draw clues for your teammates to guess.

You will need a whiteboard or a large piece of paper, a marker, a timer, and a list of words or phrases to draw. You can either use a pre-made list from a website or an app, or make your own.

Divide the players into two teams, and take turns drawing and guessing. The rules are simple: the drawer picks a word or phrase from the list, and tries to draw it on the board without using any words, letters, or numbers.

The rest of their team has to guess what it is before the time runs out. If they guess correctly, the other team drinks. If they fail, their own team drinks.

5. Drunk Jenga

Image Source: Pinterest

This is a drinking game based on the classic stacking game Jenga, where you have to remove wooden blocks from a tower without making it collapse.

You will need a Jenga set, and a pen or a marker. Before the game starts, write a different drinking rule or challenge on each block, such as “Drink two”, “Give a compliment”, or “Do a dance”.

Then, stack the blocks as usual, and play the game. The rules are simple: each player takes turns removing a block from the tower, and doing whatever it says on the block. If the tower falls, the person who caused it drinks.

6. Drunk Charades

This is a drinking game based on the classic acting game Charades, where you have to act out clues for your teammates to guess.

You will need a list of words or phrases to act out, such as movies, TV shows, books, celebrities, or animals. You can either use a pre-made list from a website or an app, or make your own.

Divide the players into two teams, and take turns acting and guessing. The rules are simple: the actor picks a word or phrase from the list, and tries to act it out without using any words, sounds, or props.

The rest of their team has to guess what it is before the time runs out. If they guess correctly, the other team drinks. If they fail, their own team drinks.

Easy Drinking Games Without Cards

These are some of the easiest and simplest drinking games without cards that you can play with minimal effort and maximum fun. They are perfect for when you just want to relax and enjoy your drink without too much hassle.

7. Drink While You Think

Drink While You Think

This is a drinking game that tests your memory and your drinking skills. The rules are simple: one person starts by saying the name of a famous person, such as “Tom Cruise”.

The next person has to say the name of another famous person whose first name starts with the same letter as the last name of the previous person, such as “Cameron Diaz”.

The person who says the name has to drink while they think of the name, and can’t stop drinking until they say it. If they can’t think of a name, repeat a name, or say a name that doesn’t match the letter, they have to drink more and the game continues with the next person.

8. Cheers to the Governor

This is a drinking game that involves counting and drinking. The rules are simple: the players sit in a circle and start counting from one to 21, going clockwise. When someone reaches 21, they say “Cheers to the governor” and everyone drinks.

Then, the person who said 21 gets to make a new rule, such as swapping two numbers, adding a word or a gesture, or skipping a number.

The game continues with the new rule, and every time someone reaches 21, they make a new rule and everyone drinks. The game gets more fun and confusing as more rules are added.

9. Most Likely

This is a drinking game that reveals what you really think of your friends. The rules are simple: one person starts by asking a “most likely” question, such as “Who is most likely to become a millionaire?” or “Who is most likely to get arrested?”.

Everyone points at the person they think is most likely to do that thing, and the person with the most votes drinks. Then, the next person asks a “most likely” question, and so on.

Challenging Drinking Games Without Cards

These are some of the more difficult and demanding drinking games without cards that you can play to challenge yourself and your friends. They may require some skills, knowledge, or luck, but they are sure to make you drink a lot.

10. Beer Pong

Image Source: Wikipedia

This is a classic drinking game that requires accuracy, strategy, and coordination. You will need a table, a ping pong ball, and 10 plastic cups for each team.

Each team arranges their cups in a triangle shape on their side of the table, and fills them with beer. The game starts when one team throws the ball towards the other team’s cups, trying to land it in one of them.

If they succeed, the other team has to drink the beer from that cup and remove it from the table. If they miss, the other team gets a chance to throw. The game ends when one team eliminates all the other team’s cups.

11. Quarters

Image Source: wikipedia

This is a drinking game that requires skill, concentration, and a steady hand. You will need a quarter, a glass, and a drink of your choice.

The game starts when one player spins the quarter on the table, and tries to flick it into the glass. If they succeed, they can choose someone to drink, and spin again.

If they miss, they have to drink, and pass the quarter to the next player. The game continues until you run out of drinks or quarters.

12. Sixes

This is a drinking game that requires luck, speed, and math. You will need a dice, a glass, and a drink of your choice. The game starts when one player rolls the dice, and fills the glass with a drink according to the number they rolled.

For example, if they roll a one, they fill the glass with one sixth of the drink, if they roll a two, they fill the glass with two sixths of the drink, and so on.

Then, they pass the dice and the glass to the next player, who has to roll the dice and add more drink to the glass. The game continues until someone rolls a six, and has to drink the whole glass.

I hope you enjoyed this list of 12 best drinking games without cards for every theme and mood.

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Christina Michelle
Christina Michelle
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