Social Media Marketing Platforms: Statistical Facts

81% Instagram users use Instagram to look up services and products.

Nearly 80% of Twitter users who receive a response to their tweet have a more positive opinion of the
business perspective.

US adult uses social media on average for 2.25 hours every day.


Facebook is the most commonly utilized and well-known social networking platform. The main focus of
Facebook is topics of conversation.
Globally, there are 3 billion active users each month. Since its debut in 2004, it has developed into a
crucial tool for organizations.


The number of monthly users exceeds 2 billion globally. In the entire world, YouTube receives the
second-highest number of visits.

The finest platform for building community and is also recognized by marketers. Because it primarily
hosts long-form content, its users also have a tendency to stay there longer, making it a perfect place to
share information.


Globally, TikTok has over 1 billion active monthly users. TikTok undoubtedly comes to mind when you
consider short form video. The popularity of the platform increased in 2020 and is still growing.

Marketers put it second only to YouTube as one of the greatest venues for community building. Make
TikTok a crucial component of your brand’s marketing plan if you want to engage younger audience.


Instagram is used each month by over 1 billion people. Despite being just 12 years old, Instagram has
already a global hit. Instagram is where brands go when they want to share visually appealing content.

F. Image, Instagram Followershack

Instagram has always been a hub for influencers, artists, small and major brands, and everyone in
between. It has now surpassed other social networking sites in popularity, especially among teenagers
and young adults in the US.

Instagram is a platform where users can now discover brands, browse their goods and/or services, and
make a purchase all within the same app.


Worldwide, there are 211 million active users per day of Twitter. Twitter focuses on words, whereas
Instagram focuses on images.

Twitter has grown in popularity as a channel for conveying breaking news, consuming bite-sized
material, and interacting in real time with your audience.


With approximately 494 million monthly users in 2022, Snapchat will continue to be one of the most
popular. Snapchat was leading the drive for ephemeral content when it launched in 2011. It introduced
content that could be shared among friends and would disappear after 24 hours.

The platform reached its height in 2015 and has remained stable since. Upon the launch of Instagram
Stories, the same function with a new name, many people believed the brand would no longer exist. Young adults still enjoy using Snapchat, though.


LinkedIn is the business cousin of Facebook. It may be the only medium with a clearly defined audience,
actively seeking new chances and building their network of contacts.


Around the world, there are 444 million active users every month. Pinterest is a visual storyboard where
users can get inspiration for everything from home décor to fashion. Using Pinterest for business has two
benefits: a bigger pool of potential clients and brand exposure


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ABOUT Christina
Christina Michelle
Christina Michelle
Entrepreneur, Mom, Wife, Social Media Influencer
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